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Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey Association

HEO NCCP Coaching Clinics 2020-2021 Season


For this season, HEO will be the primary host of all coaching clinics.

From: Jeff Robert, Development Programs Officer HEO
Date:  October 2, 2020
Re:  HEO NCCP Coaching Clinics 2020-2021 Season
The schedule has been formalized and the clinics will be done through the online format using the “Zoom” application. 
For the 2020-21 season the clinic schedule will consist of the following NCCP Coaching Clinics:
Coach 1:
October 12th; 6-10pm
October 29th; 6-10pm
November 9th; 6-10pm
November 21st; 8am-12pm
Coach 2:
October 15th; 6-10pm
October 26th; 6-10pm
November 12th; 6-10pm
November 22nd; 8am-12pm
Development 1:
1) Start Date   October 24, 8-1pm
    End Date     October 25, 8-1pm
2) Start Date   November 14, 2020 8-1PM
     End Date    November 15, 2020 8-1PM
3) Start Date   November 28, 2020 8-1PM
    End Date     November 29, 2020 8-1PM
Please note that these are the only NCCP Clinics we will be offering this year. Please make sure that all coaches are aware, and sign up for the necessary clinic
We will be offering weekly free Professional Development clinics throughout the season. The schedule is being worked on, and will be sent out once it is finalized

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