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Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey Association
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Important Update on Health and Safety Measures for this Season


Hi OC families,

Welcome to a new year of hockey!  As hockey activities are starting up this weekend, we wanted to thank everyone for their help over the past two years, and to provide an update on the various safety measures that were put on place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As you are likely aware, the province and our governing bodies have suspended the application of vaccination mandates, so there will be no requirement for players or volunteers to be vaccinated to participate in our programs at this time.  However, the pandemic is not yet over and we note that Ottawa Public Health continues to recommend vaccination as the best protection against the most serious risks of COVID.    In the event that the rules are modified in the future, we will continue to work with all of our participants to adjust to any changes. 

General mask mandates have also been lifted, so it will be the participants’ decision as to whether they wear masks at hockey in most circumstances. OPH continues to strongly recommend masks in confined indoor settings, for example, the dressing rooms and corridors.

The key public health rule for OC families this year will be to stay home when they are sick.  Specifically, we expect the following: 

  • any participant testing positive or exhibiting COVID symptoms is required to stay away from hockey for at least five days, and until their symptoms have been improving for at least 48 hours 
  • the participant and their household contacts are also required to wear a mask for 10 days following the date that they tested positive or the symptoms started

Following those rules is an important way that you can continue to help protect our whole community. 

Again, thank you so much for continuing to keep the safety of the OC community in mind as we gradually move back to a more normal state of affairs.  If you have any questions about the requirements, please contact

We look forward to a great season of hockey and will continue to keep you posted as the year progresses.

OCMHA Executive

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