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Jersey Bin Pickup Wed Oct 5 and Thu Oct 6


Managers and Head Coaches please note


We will have the first jersey bin pickups this week, Wed Oct 5 and Thu Oct 6 from 8-9 pm at the Dymon Storage facility at Trainyards (851 Industrial Ave).

I will be inside the loading bay area. Just drive slowly up to the doors and they should open.

Just a friendly reminder to whoever is collecting and distributing: there is an inventory sheet of the jerseys in your bin, double-check that the contents are correct. Record which player has been provided with the particular jersey number set. Most bins above the novice level will have 16 pairs of jerseys. When you distribute the jerseys, please inform players/parents that they will be financially responsible for replacing damaged/missing jerseys.

Note, there still are some jerseys that did not get returned from the last regular season. If you are in possession of any jerseys please let me know. 

Please keep the bins for the season and bring them back at the end of the season with all the folded and laundered jerseys, the bin, and the completed form.


Ian Astle

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