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Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey Association
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Outdoor Ice Signup!


Snow is now on the ground (for the time being) and it's a great time to start thinking of outdoor ice.

Hi Team Managers,
Snow is now on the ground (for the time being) and it's a great time to start thinking of outdoor ice. Our association is very lucky to have access to one of the Brewer Park outdoor rinks every weekday evening during the outdoor ice season. It's a great chance for kids to participate in the very Canadian experience of playing shinny. The weekly time slots will be Monday to Friday evenings and as per age groups:
5:30-6:30 Novice (IP on Wednesday)
6:30-7:30 Atom
7:30-8:30 PeeWee
8:30-9:30 Bantam
Unfortunately, we do not have enough time slots for all teams. Time slots are available on a first come basis. Please mail your 1st and 2nd preferences for which evenings are preferred to Include the names, email and phone numbers of 3 volunteers that will be responsible to help scrap and flood the ice the evening before your assigned ice time.  Ice times will not be reserved until volunteers have been identified for your team. We will also need help during the time intensive ice start-up, where many floods will be required as often as possible.
Teams that have outdoor practice ice at Brewer must observe all the same safety requirements as when they use indoor ice. All players on the ice must be registered OCMHA players, and they must all wear the required full complement of hockey equipment. All players and coaches must wear helmets. The cold weather may require more and thicker base layers, glove liners, helmet liners/balaclavas, etc. Please ensure your team is dressed appropriately for comfort and fun.
Best Regards,
Drew McNair
OCMHA Outdoor Ice Coordinator

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